Net Zero & Nature Positive Theatre (Keynote)

Our Path to Net Zero: From Pledge to Action

Day 2 : 09:45 – 09:55


Yulanda Chung

Managing Director, Head of Sustainability, Institutional Banking Group Singapore

Yulanda Chung joined DBS in 2017 and is currently Head of Sustainability of Institutional Banking Group. She leads the Bank’s responsible financing framework, advises on environmental and social issues pertaining to transactions, combining risk management expertise with business origination capabilities.

Yulanda was previously Group Head of Sustainable Finance at Standard Chartered in London, where she established the bank’s sustainable lending and impact investment agenda.

She is a trustee at think tank TransitionZero, which provides financial analytics in the power and heavy industries to support decarbonisation and is a founding partner of the Al Gore-backed coalition Climate TRACE. She was formerly a board member at ASrIA, during her tenure the organisation was integrated into the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.

She graduated with a Master of Science in Environmental Change and Management from Oxford University.

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